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20 proven techniques to improve cybersecurity in the workplace in the long run
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In 2017 cybercrime affecting businesses rose to a staggering 63%. With 17 million people in Britain targeted by phishing, ransomware, online fraud, and hacking, and an estimated 4.6 million pounds stolen during this period,
can your business afford the critical downtime these cyber threats cause?
Losing confidential and private information is one of the main issues faced by businesses, with breaches occurring due to no formal written internet security policies for employees, as well as a lack of firewall best practices and email security software implementing; businesses are now more exposed than ever.
Below we've provided 20 proven techniques to improve cybersecurity in your workplace, preparing it for now and for the future.
Let’s get started...
- Educate your workforce on what cybersecurity actually is.
- Trust us, information from the top is allowed.
- Set reminders
- Review processes / Practices / Culture
- Tell it ASAP
- It’s everyone job to stay online to stay online
- Safeguard your digital growth
- Be ready to respond to a digital attack
- Value your work
- Make a cybersecurity strategy a priority
- Make a point about passwords
- Install the right software and keep it updated
- Always backup your backups!
- How private is private if the information isn’t encryptedencrypted
- Be careful what you post about yourself and others
- Install a firewall for better security
- Look for the “s†in HTTPs when online
- Learn from past mistakes
- Employ a hacker
- Stay up to date
1. Educate your workforce on what cybersecurity actually is.
It's naive of us to think that everyone knows and understands all of the different forms of cyber-attacks, what they look like and what they mean. But, why should we, surely, we have our IT departments to take care of all of that?
Your IT teams can only do so much, and what they can't do is stop employees clicking on links they shouldn't because they're unsure, visit sites they shouldn't because they don't know what's appropriate, or worse, sharing information online without using appropriate security encryption methods first.
Steps to take to ensure this doesn't sound like your workplace.
- Make sure you have IT workplace policies in place, in-depth, and in a language everyone can understand.
- Please make sure everyone, and we mean everyone, in the organisation reads these.
- Monitor behaviours and explain that as an organisation, you have to stop doing unsafe behaviours just to get a task finished quicker!
- Look to create better workflows to combat point 3 and avoid the clunkiness.
- Provide constant internet security information in bitesize chunks, as and when appropriate. Employees will follow if they know why.
2. Trust us, information from the top is followed.
Leading by example is a common phrase and one which your cybersecurity protocols should also follow.
From the CEO to floor staff, everyone needs to be singing from the same security hymn sheet for it to be taken seriously and for it to be taken on board.
Steps for implementation:
- Put cybersecurity on the risk management agenda (create a risk management agenda if you don't already have one!)
- Filter down your communications and the key highlights from discussions.
- Look to designate a security officer to maintain and control the flow of information up and down your businesses lines of hierarchy.
3. Set reminders.
Not only will all of this combined information be appreciated; it also makes people much more aware of internet security and how they play a vital role.
To help achieve this objective further:
- Make sure you schedule in regular communications
- Look to set weekly, even monthly reminders, and
- Place on team meeting agendas as a regular topic for discussion.
4. Review processes / Practices/ Culture
Reviewing what you currently have in place allows you to make the right and necessary changes to be flexible in your approach to cybersecurity.
- Create documents that discuss how to create strong passwords and how to update them.
- Explain how to back up work safely and securely and what systems and software to use.
- Explain and show how to avoid malicious links in emails, what appropriate use and behaviour is required on social media, how to manage devices, what apps are ok, and you approve of during work, and how to work remotely, safely, etc.
- Review your current processes and look at what you need to incorporate and how best to communicate this to your workforce within your current culture.
5. Tell IT ASAP
Mistakes happen, this is inevitable. Especially as the complexity of phishing attempts grow in sophistication, bypassing even the most robust firewalls put in place. If you do fall victim to a potential attack, don't cover it up. This can only lead to matters getting worse and bigger problems presenting themselves.
- Look at what your current culture and processes are for contacting IT.
- Identify whom you need to speak to and call them asap.
- Provide as much information as possible, and they will provide you with advice over the phone as to the "next steps."
Knowing whom to call and how to inform the right people is the best step in being able to help fix the problem asap.
6. It's everyone's job to stay safe online
It's not just the responsibility of the IT department to keep people safe online, nor is it solely the responsibility of senior management to put the right infrastructures in place too.
Everyone must take responsibility for their role and activity using the internet and web-based applications.
But, do your employees know how to stay safe online?
- You need to provide the relevant training, identifying the most common threats such as phishing attacks and ransomware, showing what such things look like, what forms they come in and signs to look out for if you're at all unsure.
- This needs to be backed up with formal policies and,
- Regular communications to reinforce what people should be looking for if they think they're PC is under attack.
7. Safeguard your digital growth
Advances in digital technology and innovation can drive growth; however, they can also create bigger opportunities for cybercriminals.
- Change business processes to incorporate digital transformation
- Secure applications
- Manage identities and,
- Monitor your suppliers – all on a regular basis.
8. Be ready to respond to a digital attack
In today's digital era, you can't rest on your laurels; you need to be prepared at all times for when a cyber-attack might strike.
- Make sure you have the right tools and software in place (software such as SonicWall Firewall, SonicWall email security, and SonicWall online) to protect your business systems.
- Look at cyber insurance.
- Create a cyber plan, allowing you to cope with costs and deal with any negative impact.
9. Value your work
You need to protect any, and all, information about you, your business, and your work – it has value, just like money, and cybercriminals thrive on this type of information.
Steps to take to protect your most valuable possession include:
- Being thoughtful as to where you store, send, and display this information.
- Think before you connect, look at wi-fi routers as well as public networks that aren't secure.
- Make sure to use strong passwords, and don't connect to unknown or generic wi-fi networks.
- If you do access public wi-fi use a VPN and,
- Make sure to turn wifi and Bluetooth off when your device is not in use.
10. Make a cybersecurity strategy a priority
No one is invincible to a cyber-attack of some sort. To strengthen your resilience to such attacks:
- You need to build cybersecurity into your culture.
- Set up regular security strategy meetings.
- Form a strategy document that classifies and outlines the data that you handle and the level of security you need to protect it.
- Make sure you have the most effective email security software and firewall best practices in place, all appropriate to the sensitivity levels of your data.
11. Make a point about passwords
We've all heard it a hundred times, but we need to reiterate it once more (probably more but at this point just once). Employees need to know and understand the importance of their password choice.
Steps to achieve this
Put password guidance in place which covers:
- how to use a password manager to create strong and unique passwords
- why passwords should be changed frequently
- why you should never reuse a password
- how employees should never use the same password on multiple devices
- and please please make sure to emphasize that passwords should never be written down, "somewhere safe."
12. Install the right software and keep it updated
Antivirus software is there for a reason. Protecting businesses against ransomware, trojan horse programs, botnets and more, companies need to be utilising antivirus programmes and add ons to protect from unscrupulous attacks continuously.
- Install the right software to your platform, updating this regularly (a great way is to set reminders as a recurring task) and follow your antivirus instructions.
13. Always backup your backups!
Cybercriminals steal your data and keep it hostage until you pay up. It sounds dramatic, but it's true. Data can also be compromised due to natural accidents too such as floods and fire etc. To help make sure your data is backed up safely and securely:
- Instruct a disaster recovery plan identifying the exact steps you would need to follow if your company's data was found to be at risk.
- Just because you have the cloud doesn't mean you're all backed up; you need to have a contract in place that provides appropriate backup services.
14. How private is private if the information isn't encrypted?
Encryption is the best way to protect privacy and confidentiality, yet not everyone knows how to use it, set it up, and communicate it throughout the organisation.
- Make sure that as an organisation you're using end to end encryption. This is the highest level of encryption for all confidential documents and information.
- Information and attachments should be encrypted before they leave your device and remain encrypted until they reach the intended recipient.
- Work with your IT department to make sure this level of encryption is standard across all company devices.
15. Be careful what you post about yourself and others
Posting status updates and tweets online can seem harmless at the time, but it is also one of the biggest areas which land people in a whole host of trouble. Opening up you and businesses to being hacked, suffer from identity theft, etc., all because people monitor your activity and what you say online, and then use this information against you in some form or another.
Steps to avoid such adverse events from happening:
- Don't leave yourself open; don't announce times and dates when your business will be left unattended, for example!
- Don't break NDA's
- Don't post personal information about others.
16. Install SonicWall firewall security
You want and need to prevent unauthorised access from a private network, at all times.
Firewalls are the perfect solution to increase your network's security.
However, for them to be effective:
- You first need to turn them on or install them as additional security features onto your network's platform.
- You can then look to create a set of rules, rules which will allow you to let the software know, what it should allow through its filters and what it should stop, what websites can be accessed and what ones it should block, even setting restrictions on incoming and outgoing emails if you would like.
Good firewalls monitor all incoming and outgoing data, consistently and to a high standard.
17. Look for the "s" in HTTPs when online
This is not a point that everyone knows about; however, it's an important one to inform workforces, as almost everyone within an office environment will use the web at work. We're also naive to think that this usage is 100% work-related 100% of the time.
Before jumping online and heading onto any old website, you need to:
- Look for the padlock icon in the websites address bar – if it doesn't have one the site is unsecured, and your details could be compromised.
- Look for the "s" in the HTTPs, if it looks like it's missing the site is again unprotected, and you shouldn't enter any information or details
18. Learn from past mistakes
Learning from mistakes is the only way we as individuals as well as organisations can move on. Learning from highlighted practices reported in the news as well as competitor information is also essential.
To take heed of past learnings you need:
- To conduct a review of the situation that has occurred.
- Discuss the event and record and report this as part of your incident response plan.
- Make any necessary adjustments, communicating this with the rest of the business appropriately, and making sure you work hand in hand on these adjustments with IT!
19. Employ a hacker
Ok, so a little extreme but you've got to admit, interesting.
Not all hackers are bad and are out to steal your data to sell online; some actually want to help the world.
To make sure you find the right hacker, you need to:
- Look for what is known as a White Hat Hacker. White hat hackers come on board to combat Black Hat Hackers and ultimately place your company in a position of fighting fire with fire.
20. Stay up to date
Industries are becoming much more aware of cybersecurity, what it means to businesses, as well as what it costs if things go wrong. There is also numerous regulation and standards that companies must meet when it comes to protecting private and confidential information, and processes must be in place to avoid any unnecessary fines.
In this sense it's important:
- To stay up to date with:
- best practices
- Operators
- suppliers, and
- technologies.
- Updating your software regularly and being flexible enough to adapt to new tools and technologies as and when they come to market.
- Install the right and the best firewall and email security your business needs, and stay protected at all times.
Cybercrime is unfortunately very real. How we protect ourselves and how we protect our businesses is of the utmost importance.
These tips will improve cybersecurity in the workplace in the long run, and we'd encourage you to take at least two tips away immediately to implement into your work practices, of course, we'd love you to implement them all, but let's be realistic and tick two off today!
If you found this list useful and interesting, please feel free to share online.
Protecting your business with the new SonicWall Capture Cloud Platform
SonicWall continuously develops its offer to customers by keeping systems and networks protected at all times and evolving products and systems to offer even greater capabilities.
After carrying out substantial research into what customers wanted to see more of from the
The platform itself, five areas were identified and focussed on further.
These were:
- Could SonicWall help to support and protect businesses who operate cloud applications?
- Could the platform open up its target market and work with both medium and small businesses, as well as government agencies – offering more cost-effective network security options.
- Can Capture be developed in such a way that it offers even more endpoint protection ability, empowering teams, and administrators?
- Is it possible to ensure the smooth running of wireless security? As well as managing better planning and visibility?
- With the introduction of an app, could wireless security be expanded? Looking into zero-touch deployments and mesh networking?
A comprehensive and varied range of objectives, but objectives that businesses found necessary and that SonicWall knew it could develop.
Welcome, cloud applications, better-protected networks, endpoints, and protection to all individual data to coincide with this.
With new products and advanced features to the Capture Cloud Platform, please welcome the future of Firewalls
SonicWall SOHO Firewall 250 & TZ350 Firewalls
Classed as the next generation of firewalls, the SonicWall SOHO Firewall helps to consolidate security, performance, and networking. All while keeping the cost of ownership low. Ultimately, you can reduce your costs and save you and your teams’ time through a host of new integrated features. Features such as secure SD-WAN, Zero-Touch Deployment, and auto-provision VPN.
Cloud App Security 2.0
Explicitly designed to support cloud software, this app helps to protect against phishing attacks, email fraud and zero-day threats, all through its advanced threat protection. The software is also sophisticated enough that it can identify and stop destructive Microsoft Office files and PDFs held in cloud applications.
SonicWall Wi-Fi Planner
An easy to use Wi-Fi surveying tool, the SonicWall Wi-Fi planner helps to enhance workforce productivity and user experience due to how you design and deploy your wireless networks better. Taken into account, different office spaces, floor plans, power requirements, building materials, channel width, signal strength, radio bands, and much more, make decisions easier with SonicWall Wi-Fi planner.
SonicWall Wi-Fi Cloud Manager
Simplifying wireless access is what this scalable and centralised management network can support. With troubleshooting abilities across all size networks or locations, the SonicWall Wi-Fi app helps you to monitor your network and is available on iOS and Android. Set up wireless mesh networks and onboard wireless access points much easier and faster with SonicWall Wi-Fi Cloud Manager.
Capture Client 2.0
The SonicWall Capture Client lets you track a threats origin as well as its intended destinations all with advanced endpoint detection and response capabilities. Killing or putting into quarantine such threats and having the ability to roll back endpoints to a last known good state helps you to avoid any potential infections.
SonicWall SonicWave with Wireless Access points, 200 Series
The Wave 2 wireless is not only secure but extremely affordable. Delivering gigabit performance, range, and reliability, you can also use the advanced security settings to provide you with the ultimate user experience. With additional services covering content filtering and capture advanced threat protection sandbox, have complete peace of mind even when firewalls aren’t used.
Email Security 10.0
Now providing layers of protection, SonicWall’s email security includes time-of-click URL protection and attachment sandboxing. All targeted to stop in their tracks attempted phishing attacks, business email compromise, ransomware, and email fraud.
SonicOS 6.5.4
With significant improvements in authentication, network security, and wireless capabilities, the new version of SonicWall’s operating system is ideally matched with the new SonicWall hardware platforms. Some of the highlights include an increase in DPI-SSL connections and providing extensive reporting and logging features.
If you would like to learn about SonicWall and the products available to protect your business check out our website today or call us on 0333 2405667, we’d be happy to help.
June 2019 Updates to AGSS
Starting June 1st, 2019 Advanced Gateway Security Suite (AGSS) will receive more entitlements. All firewall hardware bundles including AGSS will receive the new entitlements. Any customer who registers AGSS on or after June 1, 2019 will receive the new entitlements.
AGSS bundles will include Capture Security Center risk meters, firewall management, and 7-day reporting. On top of these offerings, AGSS will add Shadow IT Visibility which is formerly known as Cloud App Security 1.0. Here is a new look at the bundle in the table below, note the new entitlements in bold text:
SOHO and TZ300 are going End of Sale
The SonicWall SOHO and TZ300 models are almost out of stock and no more are coming in since we have the SOHO 250 and TZ350.
Online attacks continue to grow
Unfortunately, and apologies for being the bearers of bad news, but online attacks aren't going away anytime soon. In fact, they're growing! Growing in sophistication and targeting, bypassing weaker security systems and hence having the power to evolve.
Cyber threat reports, like the ones carried out by SonicWall online, have recently shown a staggeringly high increase in ransomware attacks in particular.
Reports show that in the first six months of 2018, 5.99 billion malware attacks were carried out, equating to a whopping 102% increase compared to the same six months in 2017.
Two big-named threats
Ransomware such as WannaCrypt (also known as WannaCry) and variances of this malicious software have added to this increase with this particular ransomware first striking systems in 2017 and playing havoc with networks ever since.
The basis of this ransomware is where the malware encrypts user data and then hides it for ransom until the victim pays.
Unfortunately, threats like this are very real and especially linked with the encryption of data“ - nothing can be considered safe any more.
To help stop such attacks from getting through operating systems in the first place, people can set up firewall devices, and SonicWall security to block access to certain parts of the Internet. Your firewall should act as your first line of defence in setting up any networks and new devices.
One of the biggest online security threats has been the emergence of the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities, which have affected multiple CPU vendors.
Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities ultimately allowed side-channel attacks that abused operating systems' memory to steal user information and confidential files.
SonicWall Real Time Deep Memory Inspection technology has been designed to protect businesses and individuals against these Spectre attacks. Looking at what these attacks are trying to achieve, how they access systems and stop these features from getting into your operating systems, and providing the highest level of security in a device.
Changing with the times
Online attacks, like everything, change with the times. They follow the latest trends and where people are spending or using money, and these attackers jump on the bandwagon.
An example of this has been the rise in stealing cryptocurrencies. Using stolen information as leverage or hacking into operating systems to build upon this growing trend.
At SonicWall we monitor trends, and we ensure that the SonicWall firewalls also stand up against any new and unusual threats, offering you complete peace of mind that you don't need a new firewall device every time a new threat is introduced.
It's also important to be aware that there has been a rise in fake ransomware attacks, where demand is made, but no files are encrypted or any data etc. stolen and used.
Fake ransomware means just that; they’re fake. However, because not everyone is aware what is fake and what is not and things to look out for to spot a fraud (check out our posts and guides on how to spot a fake), we often don't realise that if you are a victim of fake ransomware, then your files can be restored. But there is a little bit, because most users will probably think their data is gone, i.e. that the fake ransomware has encrypted their systems, and they will have to reinstall everything.
Although all fake ransomware attacks have failed, the threat is still there, and in some cases, people can still damage their systems by doing a full reinstallation.
A different way
A note for organisations is that online threats are also now trying to find a different way in. What we mean by this is that they're now using non-standard ports as they are not necessarily thought to carry the same level of risk, as they may not have the same level of security.
However, over 19% of malware attacks last year came through non-standard ports. We advise all companies and their IT departments to apply the same level of care when using non-standard ports as they would with standard ports.
In 2018 attacks on IoT devices stood at 32.7 million and SonicWall security wants to play its part in bringing these extremely high figures down or at least stop attacks from happening in the first place.
Thousands of people buy SonicWall firewalls and security devices because of the trusted service they receive from our teams, the features and benefits they can provide, and the enhanced security they offer.
Call us today on 0333 2405667 to find out how you can stay protected online.
Related post: how to create a professional cold email without going to recepient's spam folder
SonicWall Firewalls take it to the next level
SonicWall Firewalls take it to the next level
Cyber-attacks are not only increasing every day, but they’re also growing in sophistication.
At SonicWall Sales we see these increases on public infrastructures, in the cloud, every day, posing numerous threats and costly fixes!
However, when it comes to offering security solutions for the cloud, there is still a lot of work to do.
Work in understanding its infrastructure, understanding how it works with the mobile era, and how we can zone in on these understandings to create the best security software available.
Why is this level of understanding important?
Well, IDC has recently reported that approximately 83% of projects are now virtual and a further 60% of bigger enterprises now use the cloud in some form.
In addition to these statistics, with continuous changes to the cloud, keeping projects and workloads secure has become more challenging than ever before.
But SonicWall firewalls are ready.
Continuously developing security software, SonicWall has recently extended security to the public cloud (enhancing and taking it one step further from the private cloud), providing start to finish security for multiple cloud deployments - all through the SonicWall Network Security virtual (NSv) firewall series.
The benefits of cloud technology are widely known, offering users scalability, greater flexibility and agility, infrastructure consistency and improved business efficiency. And now, with SonicWall NSv, Microsoft Azure and AWS (Amazon Web Services) are to be included in the public cloud environments.
An industry-leading firewall series
The SonicWall NSv series offers users:
- Application control and intelligence
- Monitoring in real-time
- Inspection and decryption
- Advanced cyber-attack protection
- Network segmentation and VPN capabilities
All designed and developed to protect Azure and AWS environments.
The NSv is the next generation to the SonicWall hardware firewall, which includes the features that customers like and admire most. Such as the innovative technology - Reassembly-Free Deep Packet Inspection (which is patented), and the Capture Advanced Threat Protection sandbox which provided real-time. Deep Memory Inspection, both designed to stop cyber threats and attacks in their tracks.
If you’re looking to control traffic and get complete transparency across all of your virtual networks and private clouds, then NSv is for you. Providing you with seamless security, enhanced management capabilities, increased performance, reduced operating costs, a drive in innovation, quick placement, and more - NSv makes a move to the cloud safer and more straightforward.
Solutions to cloud security needs
Cloud security is of the utmost importance, and NSv in all of its many models is on hand to address the issues surrounding public cloud data and applications.
Benefits to protecting your public resources and cloud infrastructure include gaining clarity into the virtual world of threat prevention, you can implement security zoning and appropriate policies, and you can be in a stronger position to protect against everyday hackers and threats.
You can also stop service disruptions from happening and maintain the highest levels of security, remaining compliant and risk-free, all without having a negative impact on performance.
SonicWall firewall VPN can be used in VPN deployment, secure connectivity, as well as used to tighten remote access and more.
Make SonicWall NSv THE security choice when it comes to the public cloud.
With patented technologies, the best in the business technological innovation to support the latest developments, and powerful security now extending to the
public cloud, for the best security systems in the market, SonicWall provide it with all.
Note: The date for AWS availability is pending; however, SonicWall NSv is available for Azure public cloud environments now.
At SonicWall Sales, we provide the latest in security software and hardware systems, and we’re always on hand to answer your questions.
Call us today on 0330 1340 230 to find out more.
SonicWall firewalls support SD-WAN (Software Defined WAN)
The software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) is a specific application of software-defined networking (SDN) technology applied to WAN connections, which are used to connect enterprise networks – including branch offices and data centers – over large geographic distances.
A WAN might be used, for example, to connect branch offices to a central corporate network, or to connect data centers separated by distance. In the past, these WAN connections often used technology that required special proprietary hardware. The SD-WAN movement seeks to move more of the network control is moved into the “cloud,†using a software approach.
SD-WAN technology allows organizations and enterprises with branch locations to build highly available and higher-performance WANs. By using low-cost internet access (broadband, 3G/4G/LTE, fiber), organizations can cost-effectively replace expensive WAN connection technologies such as MPLS with SD-WAN. SonicWall delivers comprehensive, industry-leading security solutions that simplify SD-WAN deployments.
SonicWall Capture Security Center (CSC) Features
What are the feature differences between CSC/Cloud GMS tiers?
Full details at
How firewalls work against threats?
You likely have seen your computer display a message about your firewall. You know it keeps your computer safe, but what do firewalls do to protect you?
How do firewalls work?
Firewalls are software programs that prevent someone from accessing your computer. It identifies inbound threats and isolates them so that they don’t have a chance to wreak havoc with your system.
They’re not just good at keeping viruses, malware, and so on out, though. They can also be used to prevent the transmission of sensitive data out of your system. So, if you have an employee who is trying to transmit protected files, the firewall can prevent that.
Finally, a firewall might also be programmed to block what it deems malicious sites or sites that are considered a no-no. If you’re running a business and would prefer that your staff do not access social media while at work, the software can be programmed to block access to those sites.
Essentially, a firewall works by following a set of parameters that your IT professional puts in place. If it comes across a request, incoming or outgoing, that falls outside of those parameters, it will block that request.
By blocking any requests that do not fit the preset parameters, it ensures that your entire system is safe.
About SonicWall Firewall
There are different firewall types out there. Some are relatively simple and focus on just keeping malware off your system. Others, like those provided by SonicWall firewall, can do much more. It is one of the reasons that many businesses choose SonicWall firewall for internet security.
These firewalls have become an integral part of our business community here in the United Kingdom and worldwide. The proprietary SonicOS operating system used to power every SonicWall firewall appliance offers reliable performance every time.
Getting your device is simple enough. You only need to contact SonicWall Sales. They’ll work with you to find the right option for your business.
You’ll have to choose between the SonicOS basic operating system and the SonicOS Enhanced operating system. Newer devices will come with the Enhanced operating system. The primary difference between the two is that the Enhanced version provides:
- Zone Management
- WAN load balancing
- ISP failover services
SonicWall set out to provide a service that would crush the others on the market. They wanted it to be the best available and to provide an alternative to services that didn’t quite make the grade. As their existing clients can attest, they were more successful than anyone could have dreamed.
Why choose SonicWall?
If you take your enterprise security seriously, this is the best option for you. SonicWall is highly effective at not only blocking threats but also identifying potential risks. You’ll get the level of protection that you need, at a cost that is reasonable.
Maybe you want a program that can identify and ward off malicious programs. Maybe you need the added protection of having incoming emails thoroughly vetted before they hit your servers. Perhaps you want to be able to have complete control over what sites your staff can access.
No matter what level of protection you are looking for, this company has the right option for your needs. They have built their reputation as being:
- One of the top cybersecurity companies worldwide
- An innovative company, always looking for new approaches to make systems even more secure
- The industry expert when it comes to cybersecurity
- A provider of products that work reliably and that will not let you down
- Very in tune with their clients’ needs and always willing to improve their product offering
Many companies say that they produce the best products on the market. In the case of SonicWall Sales, this is not an idle boast.
If you want the best of the best in cybersecurity, there is only one choice – SonicWall Sale
Why a business VPN is more important than ever in 2018
Whether you are running your business through the office or any other secret place, VPN for business is more important in 2018 than any year ever. In this highly competitive world, Virtual Private Network has become a need rather than just an option.
Recently, there have been a lot of cyber attacks observed in most of the countries that forced authorities to make drastic changes in their privacy laws. This is also one of the reasons why VPN has become a necessity for individuals as well as big businesses. No matter what type of business you are running, you need to have a digital presence and this is a reason why business VPN for 2018 is in such a high focus.
In last few years, the attack from Ransomware has shaken the entire world and businesses are taking every single step to keep their data secure and safe. It is a kind of malware that secretly encrypts your data and use it as a hostage to demand any amount of money which needs to be credited to some anonymous account. The last couple of years have witnessed many cases where corporate were requested huge ransom in return for their crucial files and data. It is estimated that cybercriminals have made more than $1 billion through this illegal means. In the year 2018, businesses have started realising the importance of VPN that improves the security of your network and lowers any risk of data being encrypted or stolen.
Social networking is another platform where private information of users is being compromised and sold to the agents or advertisers which they can use to know the buying behaviour of people. Today, users are becoming conscious about their information and they are not ready to accept any breach of their private data. Virtual Private Network provides an ideal platform for all the internet users to protect their crucial data such as search results and online shopping patterns. 2018 is the year when internet users have started using advanced security methods such as VPN that allowed them to browse social networking sites without any fear of data breach.
In last few years, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin have shown much volatility in the prices and it attracted many new players to enter this market to earn some hefty returns in short period. However, just like other industries, cryptocurrency sector was also witnessed many attacks from cybercriminals who transferred bitcoins from the bitcoin wallet of several account holders. This is an aspect where VPN is very useful as it helps to protect the network of a user so there will be no leakage of username or account's password. Most of the key players in the cryptocurrencies are focusing on adding VPN as an inbuilt feature in their software to offer an additional level of security to account holders.
As the number of users taking help of internet to do their everyday activity is increasing every day, the demand for security solutions such as VPN will keep rising in coming time. Here at SonicWall-Sales, we offer the best VPN deals in the UK.
Comparison of business firewall VPN Services
Virtual Private Network plays a vital role in developing an encrypted and secure connection to a less secure network such as the internet. VPN offers encrypted tunnels which look after network traffic and maintains the confidentiality of communications. It is mostly used to provide secure access to end-user devices that mainly include laptops, tablets, Smartphone and personal computers. There are several service providers available in the market that offer the functionality of VPN. Go through following points to check out the comparison of business firewall VPN services:
- Cisco VPN solutions:
The VPN service of Cisco is based on wide range of products such as AnyConnect. It is a product based software which can be run on all mobile OS and desktops. Cisco VPN solution does an outstanding job in performance metrics. Apart from VPN termination, it also offers some other functionality.
- Dell SonicWALL VPN services:
After acquiring SonicWall, a giant technology company Dell started providing a wide range of appliances which are mainly dedicated to remote and secure access. The first is the SRA appliance that mostly emphasis on SMB environments and it is quite restricted to the VPN concentrators. On the other hand, E-Class SRA appliances cover much additional functionality such as malware protection and mobility management. This is a key reason why Sonicwall VPN service for business and Sonicwall VPN for enterprise solution are in such high demand.
SRA appliances are classified into three different categories which are SRA virtual, SRA 4600 and SRA 1600 appliance.
- F5 Networks VPN services:
F5 Networks VPN solution used to be served as a comprehensive suite and standalone product. IT includes VPN functionality in the form of APM. It helps a wide range of functionality that involves a knack to connect via the deployed appliance. This functionality is provided for almost every mobile platform and desktop computer. The level of performance mainly depends upon the common platform on which module is deployed.
- Citrix VPN services:
The VPN access solution of Citrix is merged into NetScaler Gateway which offers an easy way for customisation. NetScaler Gateway provides more than just VPN functionality. It provides secure access to XenMobile, XenApp and XenDesktop sessions. Considering the traffic status, the support for DTLS and TLS sessions is provided by Citrix Gateway. It is also added in NetScaler ADC appliance and combined into the different Citrix applications. You can consider deploying it as a part of appliance solution or virtual device.
Each of the VPN solution discussed above comes with different appliance alternatives that feature unique specification. So remember to go through all the specification details such as how many users will be secured and how many concurrent sessions will be available. Once you have selected the right option, you are good to go.
The licensing structure of all above firewall VPN services mentioned above is quite complex and it mainly depends upon the platform which has been deployed. So before making any decision to choose VPN solution for your business, make sure you seek valuable inputs from an expert in the field.
What is VPN and why does my business need one?
Virtual Private Network plays an important role to bring in advanced security to your network using highly advanced security methods. VPN looks after your data safety when you use any public network to transfer data from one device to other. VPN is extremely handy when it is practically unviable to use any unique device to protect your network. When we talk about VPN for business security, it definitely has a crucial role to play in its varied range of applications:
- VPN service lets your employees execute their job from any location of their choice. By offering remote access to your staff, you can increase their productivity and efficiency which will ultimately bring a lot of positive results for your business.
- What VPN does that it provides you with a temporary IP address and hides your primary IP address. This way there will be a low risk of data loss and you can easily share any form of sensitive information with your staff.
- Once you start using VPN in your system, you will experience a significant boost in the performance of your operations. This is mainly because of fast data transmission without any lag in the speed and performance.
- From the business point of view, VPN is more economical than any other form of private network. Instead of hiring distance networks to facilitate safe data transfer, businesses can utilise their current public network using Virtual Private Networks.
- If you are planning to set up Virtual Private Network in your system, then you need to consider the scalability factor as well. Businesses need to consider growth aspect that may result in an increase of infrastructure and employees. In case of expansion, it will be quite expensive to replace entire VPN setup with the new one. Thus, you need to consider the growth factor while installing VPN for your business for the initial time.
- Most of the time, the performance of VPN is not entirely under your control and you need to depend on your internet service provider to achieve a particular level of performance. So make sure you get in touch with your internet provider and discuss all your requirements with him.
- VPN makes it possible for you to hide the identity of any user in your network by giving him an anonymous status. This way you can protect the client's data from other users available on the network. You can also rely on data safety methods like encryption that makes it impossible for hackers to track any data that is being transmitted in your network.
At times, VPNs can be bit complex to configure and install in your system. So make sure the person who is looking after the entire VPN set up have proper knowledge of issues related to your network security. Though Virtual Private Network (VPN) brings many advantages for your business security, it also comes with few limitations. To identify all these limitations and try to fill the loopholes involved in the system by taking some vital steps. To browse our available VPN’s, click here.