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Firewall Throughput

by Cathy Houghton

The digital world and cybersecurity industry have both continued to expand at a rapid pace in recent years. Firewall throughput is a term you may have heard mentioned when looking at your firewall options, but you may not fully understand what this term means and how it impacts you. Today we’re going to share our complete guide to firewall throughput to help you find the right firewall solution for your business needs in the future. SonicWall firewalls are an excellent option for small and medium-sized businesses looking to improve their cybersecurity this year, so take a look through our site for more information about how you can protect your business.

Firewall Throughput

What is Firewall Throughput?

Firewall throughput is a term that’s used to describe the volume of traffic that a firewall is able to handle. This is measured in megabits per second (mbps) or could also be reviewed in gigabits per second (gbps). It’s important to keep in mind that it’s not as simple as just measuring the throughput. There are many factors which will impact this figure, such as the type of traffic and the services that are being run on your firewall. Firewall throughput can help to improve your network cybersecurity and performance, preventing bottlenecks and other issues from forming.

A misconception we see often is that firewall throughput is the same as bandwidth. Bandwidth is the term used to describe the maximum data transfer rate within a network or an internet connection, but when we talk about firewall throughput, it’s referring to the traffic that your firewall can process. These two figures are related, but they don’t work exactly the same, and therefore you need to understand how they impact each other in order to ensure you are fully protecting your network.

How Do You Calculate Firewall Throughput?

As part of our firewall throughput explained guide, we want you to be able to understand how this figure is calculated. It’s typically calculated by looking at the number of bytes your firewall can process in a certain unit of time. This can be a very complex calculation to make, with application control and the number of sessions taking place at one time impacting the figure. Should malware be present, this will also impact the throughput firewall rate. You’ll find firewall throughput calculators which can help you to estimate the firewall’s capacity, but you’ll need to keep in mind that these figures will be estimated and won’t take into account the variables we’ve mentioned here. SonicWall firewalls will have varying firewall throughput rates based on the conditions they are working in, so every business will have different results.

What is NGFW Throughput?

As you start to look at the best SonicWall business firewall options for your needs, you might see the term NGFW throughput used. Next-generation firewalls offer you a new level of protection when compared to traditional SonicWall firewall options. They offer additional features that can improve your cybersecurity greatly, such as application control and automation. It’s important to note that these types of firewalls and their new features can improve the throughput. This is why you’ll often see this quoted as a different figure, as they have different results from regular firewall throughput.

What Businesses Need a Firewall?

All businesses today could benefit from a firewall to offer them projection when operating online. The firewall throughput that you require will vary based on your unique needs, but it’s important to ensure that any firewall you purchase has the features that you require to keep your business operating securely. Nearly all companies today work with computer systems and online to some extent, which puts you at risk all day, every day. A firewall is a small investment to make to protect your business operations and ensure that you remain in compliance with industry standards too.

On our site, you’ll find firewall options to fit every business. Our team will be happy to discuss more about the SonicWall firewall solutions we offer and share the benefits of each product. We can discuss the firewall throughput if this is something you are concerned about, to ensure that the performance level meets your expectations. We know that there are many terms used when looking at firewalls for the first time and this can be very overwhelming for some people. We’ll be here to break it down into simpler terms to ensure you find the right protection for your needs.

Are you looking to improve your cybersecurity this year? If so, take a look through our full range of firewalls and products designed to improve your network security. Our team will be here to answer any questions you have about the firewall throughput of the products on our site, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today to discuss this topic further with our team of experts.


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