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Keep Your Email Secure: Best Practices

by Cathy Houghton

Most businesses today use email as their primary form of communication with both employees within the organisation and those outside of it. Of course, you’ll need to make sure that you are keeping your business safe and secure at all times, which is why email security is such a hot topic. Over the past few years, there have been more and more issues with email security, which is why Sonic firewall security is something we encourage every business owner to look at. Keep reading as we share some of our top tips for keeping your email secure and protecting your business this year.

Keep Your Email Secure: Best Practices

Only Open Emails from Trusted Senders

When you receive a suspicious email, it can be so tempting to open it and see what it’s all about. If you don’t recognise the email sender, then it’s impossible to know if they email is secure. For that reason, we always recommend proceeding with caution when it comes to opening messages that you aren’t sure about. Firewall email security can help to filter out these junk messages in the first place, and your email account may also have this option. If your messages are filtered into the junk section, we recommend not opening them unless you know who it’s from. This can stop malware and viruses from attacking your computer, which could result in your losing all of your hard work.

Be Careful With External Emails

Many businesses primarily use their email to message employees within the organisation. If you receive an email from someone outside your business, we recommend also acting with caution. This is one of the top email security tips, and our team recommends using firewall email security if you are getting an increase in the number of strange emails from external sources. Your company may have policies in place for your employees with regard to who they can and can’t open emails from, and we recommend following these at all times. If you are a business owner, set very clear expectations with your employees about how they should use their company email address to avoid further issues.

Don’t Click Suspicious Links

Just as you would be careful when clicking through a suspicious link online, you also need to treat email links in the same way. This is one of the easiest ways to become a victim of a hacker, and you’ll find that when you click through a link that you weren’t sure about, often it will lead to a site that may cause more damage to your computer systems. If you don’t think the link is authentic, then there’s a strong chance that there is something not quite right with it. Don’t take any risks, and know that if someone really needs to get in touch with your business, they’ll do it in a more genuine manner.

Be Careful with Personal Details in Emails

When sending text messages or messages online to your friends and family, you know to be mindful of the personal information you share. The same goes for your emails, where you need to think about what you share. You never know who will open up one of your emails, and you may find that they get hold of your banking information or contact details if you’ve sent them in this manner. That’s why we recommend never sending anything confidential via email, or put extra measures in place if you do, such as password protecting a document.

The more steps you take to protect your data online, the less likely you will be to have issues in the future when it comes to online security. Think carefully about everything that you do online today, which includes who you email and the information you are sending in this manner. We recommend only using email for non-confidential information where possible, and protect any emails that are only intended to be seen by one person. An email firewall solution can help to offer you that extra layer of protection that we all need to ensure that your business doesn’t run into any trouble this year.

Are you looking to offer your business and computer systems extra protection this year? If so, we recommend looking into our SonicWall firewall solutions to help improve the security in your workplace. Our team will be on hand at any point to answer your questions about this topic and to suggest the best solution for your workplace. No matter the size of your company, you need to ensure you are doing all that you can to protect yourself from hackers online today. Contact us today for more information about the options we have on offer and how we can help you to avoid any of the issues we’ve shared above in the future.


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