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The Top Online Security Myths


While the internet offers us a wealth of incredible information and advice, you’ll find there are so many online security myths out there today. When you start to believe these myths, you put your business and systems at risk. Today we’re here to debunk some of the top myths our team of SonicWall Sales experts has seen over the years. We’ll put your mind at rest and help you find the best SonicWall firewall solution to fit your business needs.

The Top Online Security Myths

1. Small Businesses Won’t Be Attacked Online

The internet is a massive place, and no one is safe from hackers today. You might think that just because your company only has a few devices or you just work on your phone, you don’t need to protect yourself with a Sonic firewall. That’s not the case at all. Regardless of how many computers and pieces of software your business uses, you need to ensure you are protecting yourself from attacks. Each year, these attacks are getting more and more complex, meaning anyone is open to these issues. These hackers are becoming even more advanced, which is why you need to start protecting yourself now before it’s too late.

2. All You Need is a Firewall and Antivirus Software

Using SonicWall firewalls is one of the best ways to protect yourself from hackers and other issues. We also recommend looking into antivirus software to make it less likely for an intruder to access your system. However, that doesn’t mean you can do anything online and just have no concerns about security. As a business owner, we recommend that you make sure you keep your software up to date and educate your team about online security. So often, these attacks occur as a result of someone not understanding the risks involved with clicking links or opening attachments online. The more business online security you can offer your employees, the more you’ll protect your organisation in the future. On top of that, also think about endpoint protection if you have a lot of your team working from home still to protect your business wherever it’s operating from.

3. Mac vs Windows

When it comes to using different types of computers, most people naturally think that Apple products are completely protected from intruders. However, you’ll be surprised by how much risk is still out there for Mac users. While they are usually more secure than Windows devices, this doesn’t mean they are immune from any issues. You’ll find that as this type of device has become used more often, there is more risk for Apple users. This is one of the top cyber security myths and one you should keep in mind when purchasing new devices for your workplace in the future.

4. The Cloud is Too Risky for Businesses to Use

The cloud is one of the newer inventions that businesses are now relying on each day. We have started to hear more news stories about hacking in the cloud, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a great option for your company. In fact, when you offer yourself the right protection, you’ll find that it’s a great way to store data away from your hardware. Make sure you compare cloud services before selecting the one that’s right for your company. For the most secure option, try and find one with a private server, which will offer you full security without sharing your server with anyone else. There are different options for any type of business, so research the solutions out there and discuss with our team how we can help you to protect yourself when working in the cloud.

5. Protecting Your Computer Will Slow It Down

A reason that some companies tell us they aren’t interested in using a firewall is that it might slow down your computer. With the advanced technology on offer today, you’ll find this isn’t the case at all. You don’t need to worry about your software or hardware working slower, as this just isn’t an issue with modern SonicWall firewalls. You’ll still be able to complete your work at the same speed as before while also knowing you are fully protected from malware and hackers. This is one investment you shouldn’t skip over and it will ensure you give yourself the protection you need for many years to come.

These are just five of the top online security myths we are constantly hearing today. If you have thought one of these myths is true for a while now, it’s time to start protecting your systems from potential attacks. With options on offer for companies of any size, it’s never too late to start protecting your work further. For more information about using a SonicWall firewall and how it can help your company, contact us today to discuss these security solutions with our team.