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What Are The Different Types Of Firewall Attacks?

by Cathy Houghton

Firewall attacks are becoming more and more of a problem for businesses of all sizes. The recent pandemic has only increased the number of cybersecurity threats and firewall attacks, which is why it’s important to educate yourself on the types of firewall attacks you could experience in the near future. Here at SonicWall-Sales, we offer a range of products and solutions for all of your security needs. Keep reading to discover the external firewall attacks to be aware of to ensure you are protecting your business for years to come.

What Are The Different Types Of Firewall Attacks?

Types of Firewall Attacks

No business is immune from the risk of firewall attacks, but the more you educate yourself about this issue, the more likely you can protect yourself and your business in the future. These are just a few of the most common types of firewall attacks, all of which you should keep an eye out for the signs of within your business.

Insider Firewall Attacks

Insider attacks are some of the most concerning attacks that we see on a daily basis, and it’s a type of attack that starts from the inside of your business. You’ll usually find that the perimeter firewall stops working properly, as the attacker is already inside your system. While you may think there is nothing a firewall can do at this point, the good news is that an internal firewall could help to protect your business still if you are experiencing this type of attack. This will give you more protection and time to react, ensuring that you are able to recover any data and protect yourself from further issues.

Security Patches

When your network firewall software isn’t looked after properly, you’ll find that you may have missed security patches. Any type of software you use might have issues and vulnerabilities, which are very easy for any attacker to exploit. Firewall programs are often very vulnerable to this type of attack, just as any other piece of software would be. Of course, firewall vendors will often find these issues, and they should work to create a patch which will resolve the issue. When this doesn’t happen, it only leaves the software or firewall open to more issues.

Just because a patch is on offer, it doesn’t mean that you will automatically receive this as part of your system. You need to ensure you have installed the patch for your system and software, otherwise you are at just a high risk as before of an attack on your system. Make sure you create a patch management schedule for your business. When you have this schedule in place, you can then ensure you are checking for patch updates, so that you apply these as soon as possible to offer you the extra layer of protection.

Configuration Setting Issues

Configuration settings which aren’t correct can also be another source of firewall attacks. You may find that your performance is lessened when different types of firewall have this issue, which is why you always need to take your time to install a SonicWall firewall properly with our assistance. When your firewall isn’t properly configured, you are just opening yourself up to issues in the future. It’s a waste of your time and money to not have these settings in place properly, so make sure you take the time to double-check this before relying on any firewall.

The Deep Packed Inspection is Skipped

Finally, another common type of firewall attack we are seeing more of today comes as a result of a lack of deep packet inspection. This is a very thorough inspection which is used to examine the information packet before it’s allowed to deny or allow access for the data. When the firewall you are using isn’t as advanced as some of the best options on the market, this is more likely to be an issue. Of course, our team will ensure that anything like this is never skipped when installing your firewall.

These are just a few of the different types of firewall attacks to be aware of, all of which could happen at any time and to any business. You’ll want to make sure that you do all you can to set up a firewall properly, so that you don’t have any issues in the future or risk your data or business security. No matter how protected you may think you are, it only takes one small issue for everything to fall apart within your business. As a business owner, you can’t afford to take these risks, which is why our team is on hand at any time to support you with your security needs. Contact us today for more information about VPNs and the products we offer to help protect you from cybersecurity attacks.


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